Heathrow airport says on-site covid tests will help save job

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Heathrow airport says on-site covid tests will help save job

Messagepar AviateTv » Sam 15 Aoû, 2020 06:22

LONDON: Heathrow Airport, once Europe’s busiest airport, called on Britain to urgently back a passenger testing regime, warning that without one, strict quarantine rules will stop travel, stall the economy and lead to more job losses.
Heathrow said that to avoid losing a game of global “quarantine roulette”, the government should cut quarantine from 14 days to around eight days for passengers who take two tests over the course of a week.
The worst public health crisis since the 1918 influenza outbreak has wrought turmoil across the world and just as the travel industry restarted there are now fears of a second wave of shutdowns after Britain hastily imposed a quarantine on travelers from Spain.
“The UK needs a passenger testing regime and fast,” Heathrow CEO John Holland-Kaye said. “Without it, Britain is just playing a game of quarantine roulette.”
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Inscription: Sam 15 Aoû, 2020 06:21
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