Le Groupe HARTZELL AVIATION a un nouveau Propriétaire!

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Le Groupe HARTZELL AVIATION a un nouveau Propriétaire!

Messagepar VMF-214 » Sam 20 Jan, 2024 14:23

‘’ARCLINE INVESTMENT MANAGMENT’’ as acquis ‘’HARTZELL AVIATION (HART. PROPELLER, HART. AEROSPACE WELDING, HART. ENGINE TECK, KELLY AERO LLC & SKY-TEC)’’, au milieu du mois de novembre 2023. De nouvelles ‘’Listes de Prix’’ pour ces ‘’Compagnies’’ sont apparue depuis le 8 décembre, 2023.

24-1-19-AVFlash-Hartzell-300x0.jpg (10.72 Kio) Vu 1386 fois

Voici, quelques exemples d’augmentation de prix : Si vous voulez acheté/remplacé votre ancien démarreur par un nouveau ‘’Sky-Tec (pour CESSNA 172 ayant un moteur ‘’Lyc., O-320-E2D No. de modèle : 149-12LS (ACS No. de P (P/N). : 07-06246 (149-12LS)) qui coûtait avant le 8 décembre (2023) 484$ USD (au Total, sans frais de ‘’Corps (Mort)/Core)’’), après le 8 es maintenant 1,295$ USD, plus 200$ USD ou 1,495$ USD (au Total, sans frais de ‘’Corps (Mort)/Core)’’)! Ce qui représente une augmentation de, (1,495$/484$ =) 309% d’augmentation au minimum!

Un autre exemple, une ‘’Pale d’Hélice’’qui coûtait 7,284$ USD avant le 8 (décembre, 2023) coûte depuis 10,964$ USD ou une augmentation de 51% au minimum!

Maintenant, es-ce que ‘’McCauley, MT (Propeller), (Sensenich) …’’ verront de même?

L’Article en Anglais d’ ‘’AvWeb, par M. Mark Phelps‘’ suit :

Lien Internet : https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/new ... 6847712A1Y

New Ownership At Hartzell Raised Prices Within One Month

By: Mark Phelps - Published: January 18, 2024

Shortly after buying Hartzell Aviation, new owner Arcline Investment Management has increased prices for parts across the board, in some cases by more than double. Arcline, a Nashville-based private equity firm, took over Hartzell in mid-November and published a new price list on Dec. 8 with some dramatic price increases. For instance, a Sky-Tec starter that used to sell for $484 without a core requirement now sells for $1,295 with a return core required, according to one shop. A propeller blade that cost $7,284 before the acquisition is now $10,964, a 51% increase. Maintenance shops have no option but to pass the increases on to customers, and some said they were concerned that competitors McCauley and MT would follow suit with price increases of their own. Hartzell did not immediately respond to AVweb phone calls and emails for comment.
Arcline was founded in 2018 by Rajeev Amara, a 1997 graduate of the Wharton School. Before launching Arcline, he spent 18 years in management positions with Golden Gate Capital, a San Francisco private equity firm that currently lists cumulative capital commitments of greater than $12 billion. Arcline is listed as holding $8.9 billion in cumulative capital commitments as of June 2023.
Hartzell Aviation represents a three-tier corporate umbrella established in July 2022 including Hartzell Propeller, Hartzell Aerospace Welding and Hartzell Engine Tech, which collectively oversaw acquired companies that built or supplied engine-related components. Acquisitions over the past few years have included lightweight aircraft starter manufacturer Sky-Tec and, in November 2023, Kelly Aero LLC, which manufactures aftermarket general aviation magnetos, replacement parts and ignition harnesses.

Mark Phelps
Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.

Mes deux cents,

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