Pilote fait s'écrasé volontairement son avion aux États-Unis

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Pilote fait s'écrasé volontairement son avion aux États-Unis

Messagepar VMF-214 » Ven 22 Avr, 2022 12:00

La FAA lui retire ça licence de pilote privée.

Voir les articles en anglais.

Lien « YouTube »de 12 :47 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbYszLNZxhM&t=2s

FAA Investigating Controversial Crash Video (Updated)
Russ Niles
December 25, 2021

The FAA has confirmed it’s investigating the circumstances of a video purporting to show the November crash of a 1940 Taylorcraft posted by YouTuber Trevor Jacob. “The FAA is investigating this event,” the agency said in a statement issued Monday. “The agency does not discuss open investigations.” The video prompted an explosive and generally harsh reaction from commenters on YouTube and on various forums. Many are calling for an investigation into the production of the video; a few are calling it fake. And plenty have analyzed it frame by frame to support their accusations about its authenticity.

Jacob, whose YouTube channel says he has 126,000 subscribers, has not responded to an email request for comment. We also contacted a woman with a similar name and address to those of the registered owner of the aircraft but have received no response.

In the 17-minute video, shot Nov. 24 but posted a month later, Jacob says he’s flying to Mammoth to spread the ashes of a friend. He apparently took off from Lompoc Airport and the crash was reported to have taken place in Los Padres National Forest near Cayuma, California, about 50 miles north of Santa Barbara. There is commentary on the weather and reference to his deceased friend but no description of the circumstances of the alleged engine failure. Video from three angles show him straining to open the door before diving headfirst behind the strut, never letting go of a selfie stick. The cameras also cover what appears to be a crash sequence.

After landing in some scrub brush with a few cuts and scrapes, he makes his way to a crashed aircraft, with the camera still rolling. There’s more of him hiking out and finally running into other people. The video ends with him climbing a mountain days later to launch a paraglider to finally spread the ashes of his friend. By Monday, the video had attracted almost 100,000 views.

FAA Revokes Certificate Of YouTuber Who Crashed Plane
Russ Niles
April 20, 2022

The FAA has pulled the certificate of a California pilot and ex-Olympian who it says intentionally abandoned a vintage Taylorcraft and shot video of it crashing as he parachuted to the ground. Trevor Jacob has been told to surrender his ticket immediately and that he can’t apply for another one for a year for the flight, which occurred Nov. 24, 2021. “Your flight … [was] careless or reckless so as to endanger life or property of another,” says the letter notifying him of the emergency revocation of the private certificate he’d held since 2018. As we reported earlier, Jacob posted a YouTube video of the flight on Dec. 24 and it was immediately flooded with comments poking holes its premise.

In the video, Jacob claims to be heading from southern California to Mammoth ski area to spread the ashes of a recently deceased friend. At high altitude over the Los Padres National Forest, the propeller stops and he jumps out of the little plane and one of several cameras attached to the aircraft captures the scene. What follows are shots of the descending aircraft and a purported account of his hike out of the wilderness to a rescue by some farm workers.

The FAA’s litany of findings supporting the revocation reads a lot like the comments that were posted to YouTube before they were shut off. The agency noted that Jacob popped the door before the engine stopped, didn’t issue any kind of distress call or contact ATC, didn’t try to restart the engine and didn’t try to land the aircraft on the numerous clear and flat areas that could be seen in the video. The FAA also claims Jacob recovered the cameras and then disposed of the wreck.

Autres vidéos “YouTube”:

“Trevor Jacob fake the CRASH? What the FAA might look for-TakingOff. The case against Trevor Jacob.
Lien « YouTube »de 16:50 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD6m-gVKoYw

What!? “I crashed my airplane” What can we learn from this? Trevor mentour now!

Lien « YouTube »de 25:05 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PgGvl2ZMFs

FAA Revokes YouTuber’s Pilot Certificate Over “Egregious and Intentional” Crash
The FAA’s action wasn’t particularly swift, but it was decisive.
By Isabel Goyer, Matt Russell UPDATED APRIL 21, 2022

You probably know the name Trevor Jacob for one reason: a YouTube video he uploaded on December 24, 2021. The video, which shows Jacob flying a small vintage Taylorcraft light plane over rough terrain, continues as the engine appears to quit. It concludes with the solo pilot bailing out, the remote mount camera on the plane continuing to record as the soon crashes into the terrain below.
The video has amassed (and continues to add) more than 1.7 million views while sparking a firestorm of protest from the aviation community, the majority of whom seem to believe that the event was staged and that the pilot intentionally shut down the plane’s engine in flight and bailed out as part of a publicity stunt. The aircraft was destroyed, but Jacob wasn’t injured in the parachute jump. After coming down under canopy, he hiked out from the remote location he found himself in. No one on the ground was injured, and the crash of the unpiloted plane didn’t ignite a fire. Jacob later recovered the wreckage of the plane himself, according to reports.

Editor-in-Chief Isabel Goyer is an award-winning aviation journalist and editor who has been flying since she was a kid. With hundreds of different models of aircraft in her logbook and thousands of hours, she writes about flying from real-world experience. She has been working in aviation journalism for more than 25 years and led teams at several titles, including Sport Pilot and Flying, before coming to Plane & Pilot in 2015.

Mes deux cents,

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Re: Pilote fait s'écrasé volontairement son avion aux États-

Messagepar Bob Cadi » Dim 24 Avr, 2022 04:05

Un vrai de vrai cave.
Qui pensait pouvoir prendre le monde pour des plus caves.
Ce que le monde ne feraient pas pour leur 5 minutes de gloire !

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Re: Pilote fait s'écrasé volontairement son avion aux États-

Messagepar Foxtrotpapa » Dim 24 Avr, 2022 07:13

C'est décourageant de voir ce que quelqu'un peut faire pour avoir des "vues"......
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Re: Pilote fait s'écrasé volontairement son avion aux États-

Messagepar airpep » Dim 24 Avr, 2022 08:53

Une société de clics et de clinquant, merci pour l'info VMF-214.

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