Jeune FEMME et son tour du monde

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Re: Jeune FEMME et son tour du monde

Messagepar esteset » Jeu 20 Jan, 2022 08:07

Voilà, c'est fait, la boucle est bouclée.
Zara vient d'atterrir à Kortrijk,Belgique,son point de départ pour son tour du monde, le 18 août 2021.

5 mois, 260 hrs de vol, 32,000 milles +

Bravo Zara...
Fichiers joints
Zara..JPG (65.36 Kio) Vu 2687 fois
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Re: Jeune FEMME et son tour du monde

Messagepar chico5817 » Jeu 20 Jan, 2022 11:23

=:) =:) =:) =:) =:)
Go Go Go les filles en aviations!
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Re: Jeune FEMME et son tour du monde

Messagepar esteset » Jeu 20 Jan, 2022 21:32

et ce n'est pas terminé.....y a Mack,,son jeune frère de 16 ans qui veut / va faire la même chose
départ en Mars prochain même commanditaire
ci bas, un texte de Dimitar Dimitrov , CEO de ICDSoft ( commanditaire principal ) qui explique sa rencontre avec Mack
à suivre......

An hour ago, the 19-year-old teenage girl Zara Rutherford broke the world record for the youngest woman to fly solo around the globe and secured her name in aviation history. As my company is the main sponsor of Zara, I received many e-mails from the media. They want to know how I knew that this young girl would indeed manage to break the record, given that she had relatively little experience with flying. Now I would gladly answer this and some other questions here:
When I saw Zara on the news at the end of July, she looked for a primary sponsor for her adventure. What I saw was a pure young soul that wanted to fly - literally and figuratively. She reminded me of myself when I was her age. I had the feeling of knowing her for 19 years, or even for 52.
Zara's message to the world is to "encourage girls and young women to pursue their dreams and promote aviation and STEM-related careers (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) to them". The record itself was not her primary goal. It was just her way to get the attention - by undertaking something bold and even dangerous - flying solo around the world in a tiny plane.
I discovered the world of aviation sports at the age of 15 when I started skydiving. Flying is also one of my hobbies. I know how these activities have influenced the development of my personality by cultivating a sense of responsibility and decisiveness. Aviation sports also taught me how important it is to be analytical in everything I do. These virtues have helped me in life and especially in my business. I want to see more young people practising aviation sports. That's why, without any hesitation, I felt obligated to call Zara and support her once I heard about her idea.
What Zara achieved and overcame during the last five months is unbelievable. I am proud that my company is part of it. I had the chance to meet her in person a week ago when she stopped in Sofia, the home of ICDSoft. She wanted to hear my story - who I am, how I managed to establish and lead ICDSoft for over 20 years, which is more than her age. Then she knew that I owe my success to the fact that I had chosen the path of aviation and STEM at an early age.
Zara already knows that she is on the right track. The grown girls and boys like Zara invent, manage, influence, project-and-build, command, write bestsellers, teach the students, heal, serve with honour, conquer the Space, volunteer.
Yesterday I had to talk to Mr Sam Rutherford - the father of Zara. We used to speak daily during the past months. This time I initiated a video call, then Mack - the brother of Zara, happened to be there too, then Sam introduced Mack to me. Mack is 16 and likes flying as well. THE SAME THINGS HAPPENED once I saw him: I was sure I had known him for 16 years, or 52. I had a short conversation with Mack, and he told me that he wants to break the same record Zara is claiming. My only question was, "What would be the message you want to pass to the world during your 15 minutes of fame?".
The answer was, "I want to find bright young girls and boys that have invented or created useful things and put them in the spotlight. They deserve it."
- Wow! Boy! Can I be a part of it? (I forgot my actual age, and the 16-year-old Dimitar was speaking)
- Sure! - Mack smiled politely.
- Then let's roll it! (I lowered my voice conspiratorially) You do not have to look for sponsors. We have the money.
Now, officially, to the world: Mack Rutherford, 16, a pilot, is set to break the damn world record for being the youngest person to fly around our globe solo. His journey will start in March from Sofia, Bulgaria, the home of his primary and only sponsor, ICDSoft. Follow MackSolo on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Do not forget to bookmark his website, mack solo dot com, hosted proudly by his sponsor.
P.S. Mack could be starting tomorrow, but he must wait for the best weather/season window. That's why we have to wait till March. Meanwhile, we will be looking for girls and boys who invented or created cool things, and Mack will try to adjust his route to their locations.
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Re: Jeune FEMME et son tour du monde

Messagepar Bob Cadi » Ven 21 Jan, 2022 10:16

esteset a écrit:Voilà, c'est fait, la boucle est bouclée.
Zara vient d'atterrir à Kortrijk,Belgique,son point de départ pour son tour du monde, le 18 août 2021.

5 mois, 260 hrs de vol, 32,000 milles +

Bravo Zara...

Yes !
Zara power ;)p
Rotax power ;)p ;)p ;)p

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Bob Cadi
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Modèle de l'avion: L-160 @ 180 hp
Identification de l'avion: C-GPEF

Re: Jeune FEMME et son tour du monde

Messagepar esteset » Mar 15 Fév, 2022 08:24

au tour de son p'tit frère de briser un record

à suivre
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Re: Jeune FEMME et son tour du monde

Messagepar GLAB » Mer 16 Fév, 2022 20:18

esteset a écrit:au tour de son p'tit frère de briser un record

à suivre

Wow, c'est tout un projet familiale Ça. On va suivre ce vol aussi, comme on la fait avec ça soeur.

Go Go GO c'est vraiment inspirant de voir des jeunes se lancer a l'aventure comme ça.

Jacques =:) =:) q:)p q:)p
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Re: Jeune FEMME et son tour du monde

Messagepar esteset » Dim 27 Mar, 2022 18:53

c'est parti départ d'Angleterre il ya quelques jours..maintenant en Sicile.

16 ans.....un kid ...... bonne chance
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Inscription: Dim 11 Sep, 2005 16:35
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Re: Jeune FEMME et son tour du monde

Messagepar GOTS » Mer 06 Avr, 2022 14:57

Bob Cadi a écrit:
esteset a écrit:Voilà, c'est fait, la boucle est bouclée.
Zara vient d'atterrir à Kortrijk,Belgique,son point de départ pour son tour du monde, le 18 août 2021.

5 mois, 260 hrs de vol, 32,000 milles +

Bravo Zara...

Yes !
Zara power ;)p
Rotax power ;)p ;)p ;)p


Rotax Powered - J'aime ça?

Avez-vous entendu les rumeurs sur le 918IS? 218 HP, si c'est vrai c'est incroyable! non?
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Re: Jeune FEMME et son tour du monde

Messagepar cloutier41 » Sam 09 Avr, 2022 17:55

Zara power
Mack power
Rotax Powered
E-Prop tracted
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Re: Jeune FEMME et son tour du monde

Messagepar esteset » Mer 17 Aoû, 2022 09:01

le jeune Mack est vers la fin de son périple.
Présentement à St-Hubert , il partira bientôt pour Goose ensuite Groenland.etc etc

go MACK go
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Re: Jeune FEMME et son tour du monde

Messagepar Bob Cadi » Mer 17 Aoû, 2022 19:42

;)p =:)

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Bob Cadi
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Modèle de l'avion: L-160 @ 180 hp
Identification de l'avion: C-GPEF

Re: Jeune FEMME et son tour du monde

Messagepar chico5817 » Ven 26 Aoû, 2022 13:33

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Re: Jeune FEMME et son tour du monde

Messagepar GLAB » Ven 26 Aoû, 2022 21:46

Wow, tout un exploit pour lui, comme sa soeur Zara a fait elle aussi. Toute une famille de pilotes.

Jacques q:)p q:)p =:) =:) ;)p ;)p
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